Jointly sponsored by City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Housing Authority

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Domestic Households

Domestic Households 2008-2011.4 (pdf: 40KB, MSword: 61KB)

Domestic Households & owner-occupied percentage (xls: 61KB)

  Land Sale Records

Housing in Figures (Historical Data)

Housing Authority Performance Indicators

(Housing Authority, March 2000)

Housing Authority Key Performance Indicators

(Housing Authority Corporate Plan 1999/00 - 2006/07)

  Home Ownership Scheme Statistics
  Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics
  Hong Kong Housing Society -  Statistics

Public Rental Housing Statistics

  Rating and Valuation Department 
  Hong Kong Property Review 2015
  Hong Kong Property Review 2014
  Hong Kong Property Review 2013
  Hong Kong Property Review 2012
  Hong Kong Property Review 2011
  Hong Kong Property Review 2010
  Hong Kong Property Review 2009
  Hong Kong Property Review 2008
  Hong Kong Property Review 2007
Hong Kong Property Review 2006
  Hong Kong Property Review 2005
Hong Kong Property Review 2004
Hong Kong Property Review 2003
Hong Kong Property Review 2002
Hong Kong Property Review 2001
Hong Kong Property Review 2000
Hong Kong Property Review 1999
Hong Kong Property Review 1998
Hong Kong Property Review 1997
Hong Kong Property Review 1996
Hong Kong Property Review 1995
Hong Kong Property Review 1994
Hong Kong Property Review 1993
Hong Kong Property Review 1992
Hong Kong Property Review 1991
Hong Kong Property Review 1990
Hong Kong Property Review 1989
Property Market Statistics

Other Housing Statistics