Other Housing Statistics

- Consolidated Operating and Appropriation

  Account of Housing Authority 

Consolidated Operating and Appropriation Account of Housing Authority
[1985/86 - 1994/95] [1995/96 - 2004/05]
$ million
  1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95
Housing Authority - Domestic, Non-domestic and home Ownership Operating Accounts
Funds Management Account and Agency Account.
Income 3,037.8 3,448.0 3,960.5 6,817.3 9,884 10,376 14,328.0 16,338 26,449
Rental-Rental Housing 1,920.2 2,235.2 2,615.9 3,074.2 3,629 4,222 4,882.4 5,706 6,338
           -Commercial 1,077.2 1,184.3 1,314.4 1,453.8 1,691 1,959 2,366.8 2,794 3,274 3,813
Home Ownership income - - - 2,221.2 4,508 4,134 6,818.4 7,388 16,250 6,953
Other income 40.4 28.5 30.2 68.1 55 61 314.4 450 588 124
Expenditure 2,611.1 2,944.9 3,365.0 6,086.4 8,895 8,907 14,039.9 16,140 29,625 11,479
Recurrent expenditure 2,611.1 2,944.9 3,365.0 3,756.0 4,474 4,941 5,737.8 6,721 10,032 9,811
Personal emoluments 428.8 487.1 535.4 643.9 725 917 1,054.9 1,142 1,280 2,653
Government rent and rates 424.7 520.4 633.6 688.2 736 961 1,143.0 1,251 1,206 1,560
Maintenance and improvements 453.5 451.2 496.2 844.2 1,156 848 978.2 1,363 2,065 2,856
Other recurrent expenditure 960.8 616.4 717.6 1,062.2 1,226 1,463 1,700.1 2,031 2,328 1,331
Depreciation 343.3 391.2 442.1 517.5 631 752 861.6 935 3,153 1,411
Finance charges - 478.6 540.1 - - - - - - -
Home Ownership expenditure - - - 2,330.4 4,4201 3,966 8,328.7 9,419 19,593 1,668
Surplus/(Deficit) 426.7 503.1 595.5 730.9 989.2 1,469 342.1 198 (3,176) 6,566
Funds Management Account Surplus - - - - - - - - - 1,070
Agency Account (Deficit) - - - - - - - - - (8)
Surplus/(Deficit) before Appropriations 426.7 503.1 595.5 730.9 989.2 1,469 342.1 198 (3,176) 7,628
Appropriations - - - 1,131.8 1,320 1,599 1,882.2 2,053 1,780 1,949
Interest paid on Government permanent capital - - - 725.4 881 1,017 1,231.7 1,255 1,287 645
Interest paid on Government loan capital - - - - - - - - - 317
Dividend - - - 406.4 439 582 650.5 798 494 987
Surplus/(Deficit) after appropriations 426.7 503.1 595.5 (400.9) (330) (130) (1,540.1) (1,855) (4,956) 5,679

Prior year figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of 1999/00 Accounts and reflect the following changes pursuant to the 1994 Supplemental Agreement with the Government:
- The payments to Government for interest and dividend are no longer charged to the HA Consolidated Operating Account but are charged to the Consolidated Appropriation Account.
- With effect from 1 October 1994, $ 12.8 billion of permanent capital has been converted to loan
capital and is to be repaid to Government over 14 years at an interest rate of 5% per annum.
- Prior to 1994/95, land was included in the Home Ownership expenditure at full market value. But since 1994/95, only the land cost payable to the Government has been included.

Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1996), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 1996 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.200.
Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1997), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 1997 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.196.
Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1999), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 1999 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.153.