1. Private Domestic units are defined as independent dwellings with separate
cooking facilities and bathroom (and / or lavatory). They are sub-divided by
reference to floor area.
2. Vacancy
indicates that a unit was not physically occupied at the time of the survey
conducted at the end of the year. Premises under decoration are classified as
vacant. Some vacancies could be due to unites not yet issued with the
Certificate of Compliance of Consent to Assign, which therefore could not have
been occupied. Vacancy figures cover the entire stock and are not confined to
new developments.
Vacancies in respect of all premises, with the exception of rated domestic
premises completed prior to 2004, are determined by a full survey of such
premises at the end of the year.
For rated domestic premises completed prior to 2004, a projection vacancies is
made form the result of a 3% random sample survey of such unites.
Small/ Medium units refer to saleable area less than 100m2
4. Large units refer to saleable area 100m2 and over
2001 figures are inclusive of village
houses. However, 2002-2006 figures exclude village houses.
Property Review 1983 - 1989 Editions,
Rating and Valuation Department, Hong Kong Government Printer.
Hong Kong Property Review 1994,1998, 1999, 2001 & 2006 Editions,
Rating and Valuation Department, Hong Kong Government Printer.