Other Housing Statistics

- Nominal and Real Indices of Payroll Per

  Person Engaged by Major Industry Group

Nominal and Real Indices of Payroll Per Person Engaged by Major Industry Group (2000-2004)

Industry Sector

(1st Qtr.1999=100)

Nominal Index 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
   Mining and quarrying 107.1 112.3 106.2 92.7 75.1
   Manufacturing 91.8 92.4 90.3 89.6 89.9
   Electricity and gas 122.7 127.9 125.2 118.7 114.7
   Wholesale, retail and import/ export trades, restaurants and hotels 88.6 88.9 86.9 86.3 86.8
   Transport, storage and communications 99.9 99.4 101.4 100.2 97.7
   Financing, insurance, real estate and business services 97.8 95.9 93.1 92.5 91.3
   Community, social and personal services 98.1 97.6 95.0 90.8 89.7
   All industry sectors (1) 94.8 95.2 94.1 93.1 92.5
Real Index �@ �@ �@ �@ �@
   Mining and quarrying 114.0 122.1 119.0 106.3 85.9
   Manufacturing 97.8 100.4 101.1 102.7 102.8
   Electricity and gas 130.7 139.0 140.2 136.1 131.3
   Wholesale, retail and import/ export trades, restaurants and hotels 94.3 96.7 97.3 98.9 99.4
   Transport, storage and communications 106.4 108.1 113.6 114.9 111.8
   Financing, insurance, real estate and business services 104.1 104.2 104.2 106.1 104.5
   Community, social and personal services 104.4 106.1 106.4 104.1 102.7
   All industry sectors (1) 101.0 103.5 105.3 106.8 105.8


Figures refer to the fourth quarter of the year.

With the revision of the definition of payroll statistics by excluding severance and termination payments, a new index of payroll per person engaged with base period set at the first quarter of 1999 has been compiled. Compiled as from the reference quarter of the first quarter of 1999, this new series has replaced the old series with base period set at the first quarter of 1994. To facilitate comparison, payroll indices prior to 1999 have been re-compiled using the spicing method.  

The real indices are derived by deflating the respective nominal indices by the 1999/2000-based Composite CPI.

(1) Figures refer to all industries covered in the payroll enquiry of the Labour Earnings Survey

Source: Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Section, Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5550), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (2005), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2005 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p. 33.
