Other Housing Statistics

- Labour Force and Labour Force

  Participation Rate by Age Group by Sex

Labour Force and Labour Force Participation Rates by Sex and Age Group
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
Sex/Age Group ('000) (%) ('000) (%) ('000) (%) ('000) (%) ('000) (%)
   15-19 42.3 18.0 39.1 17.1 40.5 18.0 38.8 17.4 38.0 16.8
   20-24 169.2 75.8 161.4 72.4 157.1 71.1 158.7 72.0 160.0 71.2
   25-29 232.0 96.6 229.3 96.4 223.3 95.7 216.7 95.6 213.3 95.7
   30-34 253.6 97.7 247.7 97.5 244.7 97.5 240.0 96.8 238.0 97.0
   35-39 313.0 97.7 301.7 97.3 291.1 97.3 275.1 97.0 264.6 97.2
   40-44 315.8 97.1 323.3 97.0 322.6 96.5 321.1 96.3 319.1 96.8
   45-49 247.5 95.6 256.9 95.5 267.8 94.9 280.5 94.8 294.0 94.8
   50-54 191.9 91.5 203.9 90.4 210.6 90.1 216.4 90.1 221.5 89.8
   55-59 102.6 77.5 106.0 77.6 113.5 76.0 125.3 76.5 136.4 75.7
   60-64 60.3 44.4 61.4 46.1 59.0 46.1 53.6 43.3 54.0 43.5
   ≧ 65 35.8 10.8 34.5 10.1 34.4 9.7 34.6 9.5 35.9 9.6
   Overall 1964.0 73.5 1965.2 72.9 1964.7 72.5 1960.8 72.0 1974.8 71.7
   15-19 35.1 15.7 33.4 15.4 34.5 16.2 32.2 15.2 32.3 14.9
   20-24 181.3 74.6 174.3 72.5 164.8 72.7 161.0 72.9 166.7 72.8
   25-29 248.8 86.5 246.3 87.0 238.7 87.4 226.9 87.1 219.8 86.4
   30-34 241.5 75.1 249.5 76.4 257.0 77.4 255.7 76.6 255.5 77.4
   35-39 230.8 63.1 243.0 65.7 249.7 67.5 249.7 68.9 250.0 70.2
   40-44 188.5 56.9 206.9 60.2 222.2 62.6 235.9 64.1 246.3 65.0
   45-49 140.2 55.1 151.3 56.1 172.9 59.9 181.7 59.4 194.2 60.3
   50-54 89.2 46.7 99.6 47.4 113.9 50.7 119.2 50.4 129.7 52.0
   55-59 34.5 31.4 38.2 32.5 45.5 33.9 50.9 33.4 60.0 34.7
   60-64 13.6 11.2 12.1 10.3 15.3 13.6 14.5 13.5 13.5 12.6
   ≧ 65 6.6 1.7 7.4 1.9 8.0 2.0 7.7 1.9 8.0 1.9
   Overall 1410.2 49.9 1461.9 50.7 1522.5 51.9 1535.4 51.7 1576.2 51.8
Both Sexes                    
   15-19 77.4 16.9 72.5 16.3 75.0 17.1 71.0 16.3 70.3 15.9
   20-24 350.5 75.2 335.7 72.4 321.9 71.9 319.7 72.4 326.7 72.0
   25-29 480.9 91.1 475.5 91.3 462.1 91.3 443.6 91.0 433.2 90.7
   30-34 495.1 85.2 497.1 85.6 501.7 86.1 495.7 85.2 493.5 85.8
   35-39 543.9 79.3 544.6 80.1 540.8 80.8 524.7 81.2 514.6 81.9
   40-44 504.2 76.8 530.2 78.3 544.9 79.0 557.0 79.4 565.5 79.8
   45-49 387.7 75.5 408.2 75.7 440.6 77.2 462.2 76.8 488.2 77.2
   50-54 281.1 70.1 303.6 69.6 324.6 70.8 335.7 70.4 351.3 70.8
   55-59 137.1 56.6 144.2 56.7 159.0 56.0 176.2 55.7 196.4 55.6
   60-64 73.9 28.7 73.5 29.4 74.2 30.9 68.2 29.5 67.5 29.2
   ≧ 65 42.5 6.0 41.9 5.7 42.4 5.6 42.3 5.5 43.9 5.5
   Overall 3374.2 61.4 3427.1 61.4 3487.1 61.8 3496.2 61.4 3551.0 61.3


Figures are compiled based on the data obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quarters of the year.



General Household Survey Section (2), Census and Statistics Department (Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5508), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (2005), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2005 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.18.