Other Housing Statistics

- Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong

  by Economic Sector

Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong by Economic Sector

(A) All Authorized Institutions
HK$ million
Economic sector  1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Manufacturing  19,726  25,141  29,834  39,011  46,268  49,315 
Agriculture and fisheries 209  181  263  524  587  585 
Transport and transport equipment 19,744  18,061  19,598  23,380  37,173  41,232 
Electricity, gas and telephone 4,943  4,735  4,198  4,086  4,973  8,074 
Building and construction; property development and investment          96,299  
Property development and investment            
   Industrial N.A  N.A  N.A  5,933  10,202  10,735 
   Residential N.A  N.A  N.A  9,931  21,088  22,158 
   Commercial N.A  N.A  N.A  14,294  36,956  43,474 
   Other properties N.A  N.A  N.A  14,584  18,766  23,064 
   Sub-total N.A  N.A  N.A  44,742  87,010  99,431 
Others N.A  N.A  N.A  14,123  9,290  8,681 
Total 40,080  34,602  39,512  58,864  96,299  108,112 
Wholesale and retail trade 29,540  33,650  43,405  59,744  62,663 74,641 
Mining and quarrying 154  160  271  420  636  1,185 
Miscellaneous          335,996  
Hotels, boarding houses and catering 3,696  4,001  5,481  7,766  13,628  14,280 
Financial concerns (other than all authorized) 19,532  23,064  34,445  53,039  85,157  104,730 
Stockbrokers 2,018  3,274  3,835  3,244  3,459  2,795 
Professional and private individuals          165,203  
   to purchase flats under the 'Home     Ownership Scheme' and the 'Private Sector Participation Scheme' 5,708  6,260  7,497  8,656  10,606  13,664 
   to purchase other residential properties 31,522  42,902  57,915  77,359  99,493  132,166 
   for credit card advances 603  1,056  1,594  2,251  3,203  4,809 
   for other business purposes 9,465  11,910  18,103  20,342  21,918  22,344 
   for other private purposes 12,921  16,444  24,322  25,457  29,984  33,743 
   Sub-total 60,219  78,573  109,430  134,065  165,203  206,726 
All others 35,082  45,289  62,418  72,343  68,546  77,693 
Total 120,547  154,200  215,609  270,457  335,996  406,224 
Grand Total 234,943  270,730  352,685  456,487  584,593  689,368 

Figures are as at end of the year.
With the introduction of the new Return on Loans and Advances and Provisions (as revised from the Return on Loans and Advances for use in Hong Kong) as from December 1994, a number of AIs have re-classified certain components. As a result,the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous years.
(1) excluding loans and advances for trade financing.

Source:  Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1999), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics,
1999 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer,

Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (2000), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2000 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p. 207.