Other Housing Statistics

- Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong

  by Economic Sector(1)

Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong by Economic Sector (1) 
(B) Licensed Banks
HK$ million
Economic Sector  1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998(s) 1999(s)
Manufacturing 50266 58853 68575 79700 94024 100347 102985 88,337* 75,267
Agriculture and fisheries 267 373 477 499 771 824 886 1,543 1,287
Transport and transport equipment 38561 41817 47053 53067 50387 62652 72255 83,477* 81,091
Electricity, gas and telephone 8618 8600 12559 19427 21714 24708 26936 28,582 25,758
Building and construction; property development and investment  N.A. 137719  N.A.  237373  247952  318338  419040 398,135* 369,289
Property development and investment            
Industrial  10454 11730 13237 13278 14336 12042 10888 9,294 7,025
Residential  28236 31884 39936 65740 71139 109790 179534 166,449 162,580
Commercial 46938 55093 69483 91629 98466 110803 119462 109,215 98,457
Other properties 26525 30943 40420 51698 50213 69856 90891 94,026* 84,773
Sub-total 112154 129651 163076 222345 234154 302491 400774 379,164* 352,835
Others 7983 8068 10149 15028 13798 15847 18266 18,971 16,455
Total 120137 137719 173225 237373 247952 318338 419040
Wholesale and retail trade  78329* 85092 65631 133368 161766 172396 201813 177,138* 141,886
Mining and quarrying 934 563 623 714 520 370 277 96 83
Miscellaneous  N.A.  477457 N.A.   613533  680968  801069 1016165 1,002,324* 970,314
Hotels, boarding houses and catering 14600 16302 15186 19179 20413 26590 36362 39,599 34,644
Financial concerns( other than all authorized institutions) 110320 118983 152794 156176 169996 198922 247540 224,523* 185,044
Stockbrokers 3770 3381 6341 8478 11126 14148 15036 3,952 5,979
Professional and private individuals  N.A. 259174   N.A.  337410  377619  454779 573951 616,772 643,307
to purchase flats under the 'Home Ownership Scheme' and Private Sector Participation Scheme' 13034 14925 23624 25156 27217 28704 36898 44,577 45,487
to purchase other residential properties 147676 165833 195929 215621 250514 313668 407057 451,012 479,204
for credit card advances 6927 10081 12003 14786 16950 19230 N.A. N.A. N.A.
for other business purposes 22797 27264 30361 29978 29600 26719 N.A. N.A. N.A.
for other private purposes 37204 41071 49747 51869 54504* 68492 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Sub-total  227637 259174 311664 337410 377773 454963 N.A. N.A. N.A.
All others  76505 79617 86591 92290 101814 106630 143276 117,478* 101,341
Total 432833 477457 572575 613533 681129 801222 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Grand Total 729819 810474 970719 1137682 1258102 1480709 1,840,357 1,779,633* 1,664,975
Notes: Figures are as at end of the year            

Notes:  Figures are as at end of the year.

With the introduction of the new Return on Loans and Advances and Provisions (as revised from the Return on Loans and Advances for use in Hong Kong) as from December 1994, a number of AIs have re-classified certain components.  As a result, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous years.
 (1) Excluding loans and advances for trade financing.

Source:  Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1999), Hong Kong Annual
Digest of Statistics, 1999 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.200.

Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (2000), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2000 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p. 208.