Other Housing Statistics

- Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong

  by Economic Sector (1)

Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong by Economic Sector  (1)
(C) Restricted License Banks
HK$ million

Economic Sector

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998(s) 1999(s)
Manufacturing 1195 1453 1836 3430 3303 4493 5199 4,226 3,155
Agriculture and fisheries 72 51 31 13 25 122 64 42 23
Transport and transport equipment 6775 8455 6642 9367 9034 10340 13608 12,458 11,593
Electricity, gas and telephone 938 1015 54 146 208 223 216 123 96
Building and construction; Property development and investment    4598    7974  10162  10025 15759 13,621 11,089
Property development and investment            
Industrial  191 79 339 347 522 374 190 160 104
Residential 1539 2098 2296 4517 5264 5891 10774 9,232 7,674
Commercial 1496 1907 1673 2299 3019 1943 2815 2,429 1,865
Other properties 807 507 735 409 594 1005 1335 1,358 1,083
Sub-total 4033 4591 5044 7571 9399 9213 15114 13,180 10,727
Others 4 7 33 403 763 812 644 441 362
Total 4037 4598 5077* 7974 10162 10025 15758
Wholesale and retail trade  543 969 1025 1499 1819 2134 1938 1,273* 1,644
Mining and quarrying 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 ##
Miscellaneous  N.A. 37988  N.A.   50233  62286  71143 98244 94,566 83,364
Hotels, boarding houses and catering 186 384 383* 316 294 277 398 422 439
Financial concerns (other than all authorized) 2619 2781 2512* 2998 4248 5549 9570 8,404 3,686
Stockbrokers 366 435 297 242 423 530 288 426 32
Professional and private individuals  N.A. N.A. N.A.  N.A.  N.A.  N.A.  N.A. 83,200 77,536
to purchase flats under the 'Home Ownership Scheme' and the 'Private Sector Participation Scheme' 5974 6672 11237 14755 20217 21329 22731 28,972 30,139
to purchase other residential properties 15314 19861 19741 23325 27259 31152 45782 40,219 32,895
for credit card advances  0 0 2054 875 1748 2243 N.A. N.A. N.A.
for other business purpose 2061 2356 2288 1714 1520 3175 N.A. N.A. N.A.
for other private purposes 1334 1552 697 1088 2871 2631 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Sub-total  24682 30441 36018 41758 53566 60402 N.A. N.A. N.A.
All others 3950 3946 4430 4919 3767 4431 4092 2,115 1,671
Total 31803 37988 43639 50233 62331 71256 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Grand total 45363 54530 58303 72663 86838 98520 N.A. 126,310* 110,964

Figures are as at end of the year.
With the introduction of the new Return on Loans and Advances and Provisions (as revised from the Return on Loans and Advances for use in Hong Kong) as from December 1994, a number of AIs have re-classified certain components. As a result, the figures are not strictly comparable with those of previous years.
(1) Excluding loans and advances for trade financing.

Source: Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1999), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 1999
Edition . Hong Kong : Hong Kong Government Printer, p.201.

## Less than half the final digit shown (include magnitude zero).
Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (2000), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2000 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p. 209.