Other Housing Statistics

- Price indices by Type of Premises

Price indices by Type of Premises (1980-1982)

(4th quarter 1979=100)
Type 1980 1981 1982
Private domestic premises
Not exceeding 39.9 sq. m. 123 148 130
40.0-69.9 sq. m. 118 148 128
70.0-99.9 sq. m. 122 149 127
100.0 sq. m. and above 119 146 122
Overall 121 148 128
Private retail premises 126 147 117
Private offices (Grades A, B and C) 140 174 164
Private flatted factories (upper-floor units) 124 164 129
Notes: Prices for properties in the New Territories were gradually added by district from 1984. Since 1987, all districts in the New territories have been included.

From 1989, the indices for retail premises refer to all types of retail premises. They are not strictly comparable to the earlier indices which are in respect of shop premises with street frontage only.
