Socio-economic characteristics of poor households by housing characteristic a...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018年香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.11 及 表 A.3.11 -
Socio-economic characteristics of poor population by selected household group...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.12 及 表 A.3.12 -
Socio-economic characteristics of poor population by housing characteristic a...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018年香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.17 及 表 A.3.17 -
Comparison of households with incomes between 50% and 60% of the median and p...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告表3.9 -
Poor elders living in non-CSSA households by social security coverage and hou...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告圖2.27 -
Poor elders residing in non-CSSA households by housing type and whether ownin...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.28 -
Selected characteristics of “income-poor, owning property of certain value” e...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告圖2.29 -
Effectiveness of selected recurrent cash benefits and PRH provision in povert...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告圖2.26 -
Poor population and poverty rate of the elderly, 2009-2018
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.23 -
Elderly labour force participation rate and number of working elders, 2009-2018
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.4 -
Elderly population and number of economically inactive households, 2009-2018
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.3 -
Elders by social security coverage, 2014-2018
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.25 -
Revision of Monthly Rent Allowance Payable under the Rent Allowance for Elder...
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Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2019
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Statistics on Elder Abuse Cases
以個案性質、受虐者性別、受虐者居住地區等分類的數據資料 -
Poverty rate and poor population by age of household head, 2018
2018香港貧窮情況報告圖3.10 -
The Profile of Persons Residing in Private Elderly Homes
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