Remunicipalisation sectors
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YPF Company Shareholder structure 1991, 2011, 2012
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Share price of Repsol since it purchased YPF, en V per shar
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Investment Plan of YPF, 2012-2017.
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YPF statistics 2008-2011. Based on Strategic Plan 2012-2016, Repsol
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Changes in Total Reserves, in barrels of oil equivalent
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International reserves of YPF sold or transferred to RepsoL
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Reclaiming public water, global achievements and struggles
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Global list of remunicipalisations (of water) 2000-2015
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Water remunicipalisation global trends 2000-2015
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Water remunicipalisation global trends 2000-2015 (summary)
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835 (Re)municipalisations of public services
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List of (re)nationalisations
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List of (re)municipalisations
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Deprivatisation: by year, 2000-2017
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Summary of local authority income 2012-13 to 2016-17
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Frequency of expressed motivation survey (33 renationalisations in Latin Amer...
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Housing Scheme for the buy-back of excouncil properties (Havering London Boro...
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The re-purchase of ex-social housing by Social Landlords
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Public Support for Public Ownership in the UK (May 2017)
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