Principles Adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority in Property Acquisition (on...
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Principles Adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority for Tenant Rehousing and Ex...
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Principles Adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority in Property Acquisition (Ot...
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Urban Renewal Authority Flat-for-Flat (Pilot Scheme) Pamphlet
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Report of Special Committee on Clearance of Kowloon Walled City
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Evicted tenants in the redevelopment projects of the URA
(i)申請援助計劃的租戶數目; (ii)獲得安置的租戶數目; (iii)獲得特惠金補償的租戶數目;及 (iv)不符合援助計劃的申請資格,但獲發搬遷補助金的租戶數目 -
Numbers of households offered rehousing or compensation by URA
按安置/賠償安排,即(v)獲安置於房委會提供的公屋單位、(vi)獲安置於香港房屋協會提供的公屋單位、(vii)獲安置於市建局提供的單位、(viii)獲提供基本特惠金及額外現金補償、(ix)因不合基本特惠金資格,而獲提供相等於政府特惠津貼的特惠金,以及(x)於凍結人口日後遷入,獲提供相等於地政總署於收地時所提供的特惠津貼兩倍的特惠金補償列出分項數字 -
Aggregate numbers of PRH flats reserved by HA
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Numbers of PRH flats actually used by URA
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Amount of money paid by URA to HA for rehousing of households
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Amount of reservation fees paid by URA to HA
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Provision of PRH flats to clearees of the URA projects
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Ageing analysis of PRH flats reserved by the URA
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Supplementary information paper on the preliminary agreement between the Gove...
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The numbers of PRH allocations in relation to PRH applications and URA's rede...
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The number of the eligible persons affected by clearance of IRSs who were off...
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Study on Compensation and Resettlement Assessment for Sham Shui Po Urban Rene...
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Preliminary agreement between the Government and the Housing Society concerni...
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Explanatory Notes on "Flat for Flat" - Preliminary Proposal
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Rehousing Arrangements for Tenants Affected by the Resumption of Land for Urb...
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