Boudoir rent index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Boudoir rent (power) index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Overcrowding and Sharing of Housing Accommodation in Hong Kong As Revealed by...
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics - Jan 1973 -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4c -
Aspiration for Improvement in Accommodation
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_頁23-41 -
Home mortgage interest payments
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)__頁42-58 2003年1月21日 -
Households which would quite unlikely / definitely not change the currentacco...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.2 -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in thecoming twel...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1d -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in thecoming twel...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1f -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in thecoming twel...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1e -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in the coming twe...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1a -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in the coming twe...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1b -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in the coming twe...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1c -
Households residing in owner-occupied quarters with mortgage or loan byoutsta...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)_表5.2g -
Households residing in owner-occupied quarters with mortgage or loan bymonthl...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)_表5.2h -
Households residing in owner-occupied quarters with mortgage or loan byamount...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)_表5.2i -
Households by tenure of accommodation / whether owner-occupiedquarters was wi...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)_表5.1 -
Construction costs of subsidised housing flats
以每平方呎建築樓面面積計算 以每個單位計算 -
Introduction of a Comprehensive Means Test on Public Rental Housing Applicants
立法會房屋事務委員會 1998年9月16日特別會議 立法會CB(1)204/98-99(01)號文件