Plot ratio of housing association sites completed between 1997-98 and 2001-02
立法會RP12/96-97充分善用土地_表7 -
Hong Kong 2016 Population By-census - Thematic Report : Persons Living in Sub...
This dataset has no description
Report of the Task Force for the Study on Tenancy Control of Subdivided Units
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Progress Report of the 2015-16 Checking Exercise of Applications under the Qu...
房屋委員會SHC 19/2016;香港房屋委員會資助房屋小組委員會議事備忘錄 -
The Hong Kong Housing Society’s Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developmen...
香港房屋委員會資助房屋小組委員會議事備忘錄 ; 文件編號:SHC 22/2021 ; 內有四項數據 附件一表一:業主獲批申請數字 ; 附件一表二:租戶獲批申請數字 ; 附件一表三:成功租賃單位來源 ; 附件一表四:成功租賃單位租金和面積 -
Rehousing and Associated Arrangements for Clearance of Shek Lei Interim Housing
附件B: 石籬中轉房屋的詳細資料(截至2020年10月31日) 附件D : 建議單身人士津貼額 / 二人家庭津貼額的計算方法 附件E: 調遷至寶田中轉房屋的建議安排 -
Housing conditions of sub-divided units in Hong Kong
主題性住戶統計調查第 57, 60 號報告書 (香港分間樓宇單位的住屋狀況) -
Extending the Outreach of the Reverse Mortgage Programme
香港房屋委員會資助房屋小組委員會議事備忘錄 文件編號:SHC 33/2017 -
Legislative Council Brief - Land Sharing Pilot Scheme
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Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4b -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4d -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation in...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.3 -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4a -
Overcrowding and Sharing of Housing Accommodation in Hong Kong As Revealed by...
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics - Jan 1973 -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4c -
Households residing in owner-occupied quarters with mortgage or loan byyears ...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (居所按揭利息款項)_表5.2e