New buildings for which plans have been approved
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
New buildings for which consent to commence works has been given
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition consent
屋宇署資料月報 表5.2 已獲建築事務監督發出拆卸工程同意書的樓宇 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition orders
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Plans examined by the Building Authority
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Occupation permit issued by the Building Authority
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Completed new building and renovation / addition works completed
[2019年8月份起只提供英文版本] ; 屋宇署