Distribution of residential land by land area ratio according to the Outline ...
立法會RP12/96-97充分善用土地_表1 -
Boudoir rent index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Boudoir rent (power) index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Housing conditions of sub-divided units in Hong Kong
主題性住戶統計調查第 57, 60 號報告書 (香港分間樓宇單位的住屋狀況) -
Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) public rental housing (PRH) housing producti...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件一_P.1-2 -
Since November 2015, the Hong Kong Housing Authority has consulted the Distri...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件四 -
Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing Units by Unit Type (2016-17...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件三 -
Housing Authority subsidizes the sale of housing production (2016-17 to 2020-21)
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件一_P.3-4 -
Adjusted Replacement Cost Approach for Tenants Purchase Scheme Flats
文件編號:SHC 35/2020 附件 C