Retirement Protection System in Selected Places
研究報告探討澳洲、新西蘭、西班牙、台灣及香港的退休保障制度,並依據世界銀行在2005年提出的五根支柱模式,將上述制度作出比較 -
Feasibility Study of Old Age Pension Scheme in Hong Kong:An Employee’s Perspe...
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Statistical Analysis of Accrued Benefits Held by Scheme Members of Mandatory ...
先選取年份 (2016及以後),再選取報告 -
Report on the Poll of the MPF and the Retirement Protection
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Administration's supplementary information on the business impact assessment ...
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The Retirement Protection System in Hong Kong: Issues of Concern and Ways Out
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Investment Performance of the MPF System
先選取年份 (2007年12月及以後),再選取報告。於報告內,前往 III. 圖表 > 5. 強積金投資表現 -
MPF Schemes Statistical Digest
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The Mandatory Provident Fund in Hong Kong: Issues of Concern and Ways Out
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Administration's information on the salient features of the retirement protec...
香港、澳洲及新加坡須作強制性供款的職業退休保障計劃及裁員補償安排主要特點摘要 -
Roles of the Government in the Chilean Pension System
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Mandatory Provident Fund and offsetting mechanism
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Mandatory Provident Fund System
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Final Report – Consultancy Study on the Financial Implications on Mandatory P...
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Default pension arrangements in the United Kingdom and Australia
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Comparisons of the Proposed Mandatory Provident Fund System in Hong Kong with...
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The Hong Kong and Australian Pension Systems: An Overview
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