Sustainable Financing for Elderly Services
立法會CB(2)1484/15-16(01)號文件 -
The number of district elderly community centres (DECCs with internal floor a...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1667 答覆編號:LWB(WW)200 (P. 698) -
Paper on issues relating to the Administration's long-term care policy prepar...
立法會CB(2)420/16-17(01)號文件 -
Number of units for various elderly services
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1657 答覆編號:LWB(WW)192 (P. 672) -
Number of special incident reports submitted by residential care homes for th...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:5963 答覆編號:LWB(WW)485 (P. 1524) -
Ageing of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
立法會 CB(2)493/13-14(01)號文件 -
The number of new applications for day care centres/units for the elderly (DE...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:6222 答覆編號:LWB(WW)696 (P. 2014) -
Paper on provision of services for elderly persons with special needs prepare...