Production of flats by type of permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Price of private permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Rent of private permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Production of private permanent housing (excluding village houses) by district
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Population in public permanent housing of the HA by district
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Allocation of HA PRH flats
[欠 2018] ; 1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Land Utilization in Hong Kong
網站只有最新資料 -
New buildings for which plans have been approved
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
New buildings for which consent to commence works has been given
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition consent
屋宇署資料月報 表5.2 已獲建築事務監督發出拆卸工程同意書的樓宇 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition orders
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Plot ratio of housing association sites completed between 1997-98 and 2001-02
立法會RP12/96-97充分善用土地_表7 -
Actual Public Housing Production
網站只有最新一年 -
Housing Construction Programme (HCP) under Hong Kong Housing Authority (CSDI ...
香港房屋委員會公營房屋預測建屋量及位置。 -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premises
香港統計月刊: 表8.12(2012-7後), 表5.12 (2005-6至2012-6), 表5.11 (2004-3至2005-5), 表5.11及5.12 (1993-1至2004-2), 表5.10(1986-2至1992-12) -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh and renewal lettings of private non...
香港統計年刊: 表9.30 (2018後), 表8.30 (2012至2017), 表8.21 (2004至2011), 表7.19 (2003), 表7.18 (2002) , 表6.18 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16 (1991至1992),... -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premis...
香港統計年刊: 表9.29 (2018後), 表8.29 (2012至2017) , 表8.20 (2004至2011) , 表7.18 (2003), 表7.17 (2002) , 表6.17 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16...