Housing conditions of sub-divided units in Hong Kong
主題性住戶統計調查第 57, 60 號報告書 (香港分間樓宇單位的住屋狀況) -
Disposals of Government Land
城大香港房屋網頁 -
Stock of permanent living quarters by area and type
香港統計年刊: 表9.10 (2018後), 表8.10 (2012至2017) , 表8.1 (2002至2011) , 表7.1 (1998至2001), 表10.1 (1995至1997), 表14.1 (1990至1994) , 表14.4 (1984至1989) , 表14.5 (1982至1983), 表14.6 (1981) -
Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) public rental housing (PRH) housing producti...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件一_P.1-2 -
Since November 2015, the Hong Kong Housing Authority has consulted the Distri...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件四 -
Hong Kong Housing Authority Public Rental Housing Units by Unit Type (2016-17...
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件三 -
Housing Authority subsidizes the sale of housing production (2016-17 to 2020-21)
立法會CB(1)110/16-17(02)號文件_附件一_P.3-4 -
Monthly Statistics in respect of Sale & Purchase Agreements of building units...
位於網頁底部 ; 網頁內標題每個字中間有空格 ; 土地註冊處 -
Premium statistics