Disposals of Government Land
城大香港房屋網頁 -
Overcrowding and Sharing of Housing Accommodation in Hong Kong As Revealed by...
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics - Jan 1973 -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4c -
Median monthly rent of domestic households by type of quarter and year
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Population by type of house, sex, age, year and marital status
表E2016A : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(人口); 含 2016 資料