Notes: (1) The rehousing sub-category
"Re-use of Temporary Housing Areas" is excluded from "Waiting
List Applicants" and included in "Clearance" as from 1990/91,
rendering figures for these two categories from 1990/91 not
comparable with those for previous years.
(2) "Redevelopment" includes
major repairs.
(3) "Transfer" cases not charged
to quota of the year are excluded as from 1989/90-1993/94.
Source: Housing Department
(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2762 4611), cited in Hong Kong Government Census
and Statistics Department (1999), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics,
1999 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer,p.147.
Housing Department (Enquiry
Telephone No.: 2762 4611), cited in Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics
Department (2000), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 2000 Edition.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer,p.153.