Overview of Residential Care Services for the Elderly
宿位名額數目(供應) 安老院 護理安老院 護養院 資助宿位 津助院舍、自負盈虧及合約院舍內的資助宿位 改善買位計劃下的資助宿位 非牟利自負盈虧院舍/合約院舍內的非資助宿位 非資助私營院舍 -
Thematic Household Survey Report No. 40 (Socio-demographic Profile, Health St...
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Health Status and Long-Term Care Needs of the Older Persons
香港統計月刊 2005 年 12 月專題報告 -
Overview on Community Care Services for the Elderly
Social Welfare Department