Number of Waiting List applicants by number of households from 1986 to 1996 (...
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表八 -
The income limit for public rental housing applications and the median monthl...
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表三 -
Average number of households
1981, 1986, 1991, 1996 ; 立法會RP01/96-97房屋需求模式研究報告_表5 -
Average household size
[欠 2018] ; 1995-1999 & 2010-2015 數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到(http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html) -
Median monthly household income per capita by household category and househol...
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位表2 -
Domestic Households Renting the Accommodation They Occupy
按住戶人數、家庭住戶每月收入(港元)、年及屋宇單位類型劃分的居於租住居所的家庭住戶數目 -
Number of inhabited quarters by type of building, age and number of tenants p...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2016 資料 -
Number of households divided by number of households and year
表E2016D : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(住戶); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 -
Average monthly per capita expenditure by commodity/service section by househ...
香港統計月刊2016年8月專題文章 2014/15年住戶開支統計調查結果_表3 -
Households by intention to change the current accommodation in thecoming twel...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.1d