Population by type of housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Domestic households by type of housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Stock of flats by type of permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Production of flats by type of permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Average Number of Domestic Households, Domestic Households and Quarters Occup...
如欲在來源連結獲取相同地區分界系統下所有地區的統計表(例如所有18個區議會分區而非單一分區),請點擊「更多」按鈕,進入「網上互動數據發布服務」。 -
Stock of permanent living quarters by area and type
香港統計年刊: 表9.10 (2018後), 表8.10 (2012至2017) , 表8.1 (2002至2011) , 表7.1 (1998至2001), 表10.1 (1995至1997), 表14.1 (1990至1994) , 表14.4 (1984至1989) , 表14.5 (1982至1983), 表14.6 (1981) -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4b -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4d -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation in...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.3 -
Domestic households by type of housing
香港統計年刊: 表9.11 (2018後), 表8.11 (2012至2017) , 表8.2 (2004至2011) , 表1.11 (1999至2003) , 表14.7及14.9 (1982至1994), 表14.8及14.10 (1981), 表13.18及13.20 (1978) -
Households which would very / quite likely change the currentaccommodation (b...
主題性住戶統計調查第十一號報告書 (對改善居所的冀望)_表4.4c -
Number of inhabited quarters by type of building, age and number of tenants p...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2016 資料 -
Domestic Households by Monthly Household Mortgage Payment and Loan Repayment ...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2016 資料 -
Number of inhabited quarters by type of building and year
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Population by type of housing and year
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Number of domestic households by type of housing and year
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Monthly household mortgage payments and median loan repayments by type of hou...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Median mortgage repayments or loan repayment period median by type of housing...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Average number of domestic households by type of housing and year
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料 -
Median mortgage-to-deposit ratio and median loan-to-income ratio by type of h...
表E2016E : 2016年中期人口統計 - 主要統計表(房屋); 含 2006, 2011, 2016 資料