Overview of household distribution by household size and monthly income in 1991
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表四 -
Proportion of residential units completed between 1986 and 1995
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_圖一 -
Stock of flats in public and private permanent housing
欠 2018 ; 1995-1999 & 2010-2015 數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 (http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html) -
Price of private permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Rent of private permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Number of private residential units built on land approved in various modes f...
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_表8 -
Comparison of the actual housing production of public housing and the long-te...
立法會RP09/96-97房屋單位的供應_表3 -
Actual and estimated housing production of private housing units from 1987 to...
立法會RP09/96-97房屋單位的供應_表1 -
Private property price indices for units A, B, C, D and E and all types of un...
立法會IN14/12-13_香港的房屋需求_表2 -
The number/amount of sale and purchase agreements for private buildings betwe...
立法會IN14/12-13_香港的房屋需求_表1 -
Completion, occupancy and vacancy of small and medium-sized units from 2003 t...
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_表3 -
Number of sales and purchase agreements for private residential properties be...
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_表1 -
Large-scale unit completions, occupancy and vacancies from 2003 to 2012
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_表4 -
Small and medium-sized unit supply and short-term forecast
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_圖5 -
Large unit supply and short-term forecast
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_圖6 -
Construction of private residential units
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_圖1 -
Private housing supply and short-term forecasts
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_圖4 -
Number of private residential units completed between 2003 and 2012
立法會IN27/12-13長遠房屋策略_圖2 -
Price indices of private premises by type of premises
香港統計年刊: 表9.27 (2018後), 表8.27 (2012至2017) , 表8.18 (2004至2011) , 表7.16 (2003), 表7.15 (2002) , 表6.15 (1995至2001) , 表13.15 (1991至1994), 表13.16 (1990), 表13.17 (1986至1989)