Rent of HA PRH flats
[欠 2018] ; 1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Rent of private permanent housing
[欠2018];1995-1999 & 2010-2015數字可在本站封存的城大香港房屋網頁找到 http://data.hkppdb.org/cityu/hkhousing/hs/figures/chi_index.html -
Median household rents by house category (2011)
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位_表3 -
Family household rent and income ratio by house category (2011)
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位_表4 -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premises
香港統計月刊: 表8.12(2012-7後), 表5.12 (2005-6至2012-6), 表5.11 (2004-3至2005-5), 表5.11及5.12 (1993-1至2004-2), 表5.10(1986-2至1992-12) -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh and renewal lettings of private non...
香港統計年刊: 表9.30 (2018後), 表8.30 (2012至2017), 表8.21 (2004至2011), 表7.19 (2003), 表7.18 (2002) , 表6.18 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16 (1991至1992),... -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premis...
香港統計年刊: 表9.29 (2018後), 表8.29 (2012至2017) , 表8.20 (2004至2011) , 表7.18 (2003), 表7.17 (2002) , 表6.17 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16... -
Private Domestic - Rental Indices by Class (Territory-wide)
Rating and Valuation Department -
Boudoir rent index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Boudoir rent (power) index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
The Expenditure and the Number of Units Involved in the Government Rent Payme...
This dataset has no description
Rent Fixing for New Blocks of New and Existing Public Rental Housing Estates
This dataset has no description
Size and rent of flats in Housing Authority estates
香港統計年刊: 表9.17 (2018後), 表8.17 (2012至2017) , 表8.8 (2002至2011) , 表7.8 (1998至2001), 表10.6 (1995至1997) , 表14.14 (至1982至1994), 表14.15 (1981)