The total number of elderly persons treated as "inactive" cases in subsidised...
This dataset has no description
Number of elderly persons having passed away while being waitlisted for subsi...
This dataset has no description
Average waiting time for various types of subsidised residential care homes f...
This dataset has no description
Regarding IHCS(FC) involving elderly persons and persons with disabilities, t...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1635 答覆編號:LWB(WW)169 (P. 600) -
Number of elderly persons waitlisted for subsidised residential care places f...
This dataset has no description
Number of elderly persons having passed away while being waitlisted for subsi...
This dataset has no description
The number of elderly applicants waitlisted for subsidised care and attention...
This dataset has no description
The number of elderly applicants waitlisted for subsidised nursing home place...
This dataset has no description
Applicants for Waiting List registered by source (as of March 1996)
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表七 -
Number of Waiting List applicants by number of households from 1986 to 1996 (...
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表八 -
Turn for placement offer for cases applying for residential care services
This dataset has no description
Number of public rental flats allocated to applicants on the Waiting List for...
立法會RP02/96-97房屋需求研究_表九 -
Number of public rental housing applicants on the Waiting List on the Waiting...
立法會IN14/12-13_香港的房屋需求_表5 -
Number of applicants on public housing flats on the Waiting List
立法會IN20/12-13香港的房屋供應_圖2 -
Number of applicants for public housing on the Waiting List for 1999-2000 to ...
立法會IN15/04-05_香港房屋委員會公營租住房屋的統計數字_表6 -
Number of applicants for public housing waiting list by number of households ...
立法會IN15/04-05_香港房屋委員會公營租住房屋的統計數字_表7 -
Average waiting time
立法會ISSH09/16-17公共房屋_圖3 -
Public rental housing application