Floor Area Requirements for Elderly Facilities
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表3 -
Elderly Facilities - Summary of Standards
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表4 -
Number of persons waitlisted for day care centres/units for the elderly servi...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 607) -
Number of persons receiving services at day care centres/units for the elderl...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 609) -
Number of places at day care centres/units for the elderly
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 605) -
Cost per place per month for day care centres/units for the elderly (DEs/DCUs)
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 608) -
Number of designated day respite places in day care centres for the elderly /...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:3090 答覆編號:LWB(WW)251 (P. 829) -
Full-year number of day care centres/units for the elderly service users by d...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 606) -
Number of day care centres/units for the elderly (DEs/DCUs)
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1636 答覆編號:LWB(WW)172 (P. 604) -
The number of persons waitlisted for day care centres/units for the elderly (...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:6222 答覆編號:LWB(WW)696 (P. 2014) -
The number of new applications for day care centres/units for the elderly (DE...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:6222 答覆編號:LWB(WW)696 (P. 2014)