Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premises
香港統計月刊: 表8.12(2012-7後), 表5.12 (2005-6至2012-6), 表5.11 (2004-3至2005-5), 表5.11及5.12 (1993-1至2004-2), 表5.10(1986-2至1992-12) -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh and renewal lettings of private non...
香港統計年刊: 表9.30 (2018後), 表8.30 (2012至2017), 表8.21 (2004至2011), 表7.19 (2003), 表7.18 (2002) , 表6.18 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16 (1991至1992),... -
Average rents and rental indices of fresh lettings of private domestic premis...
香港統計年刊: 表9.29 (2018後), 表8.29 (2012至2017) , 表8.20 (2004至2011) , 表7.18 (2003), 表7.17 (2002) , 表6.17 (1996至2001) , 表6.16及表6.18 (1995), 表13.16及表13.18 (1993至1994), 表13.16... -
Average prices and price indices of private domestic premises
香港統計月刊: 表8.10(2012-7後), 表5.10 (2005-6至2012-6), 表5.9 (2004-3至2005-5), 表5.9及5.10 (1993-1至2004-2), 表5.9(1986-2至1992-12) -
Price indices of private premises by type of premises
香港統計年刊: 表9.27 (2018後), 表8.27 (2012至2017) , 表8.18 (2004至2011) , 表7.16 (2003), 表7.15 (2002) , 表6.15 (1995至2001) , 表13.15 (1991至1994), 表13.16 (1990), 表13.17 (1986至1989) -
Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials Used in Public Sector Cons...
公營建築工程的工資及材料成本指數 - 表 615-21002:公營建築工程的工資及材料成本指數 ( 2021年4月 = 100 ) - 材料成本指數 -
Hong Kong 2016 Population By-census - Thematic Report : Persons Living in Sub...
This dataset has no description
Socio-economic characteristics of poor households by housing characteristic a...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018年香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.11 及 表 A.3.11 -
Socio-economic characteristics of poor population by selected household group...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.12 及 表 A.3.12 -
Socio-economic characteristics of poor population by housing characteristic a...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018年香港貧窮情況報告_表 A.2.17 及 表 A.3.17 -
Poor households receiving DPIK by selected characteristic, 2018
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告表2.4 -
Poor households receiving DPIK with actual living standard up to or above the...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告表2.6 -
Comparison of households with incomes between 50% and 60% of the median and p...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告表3.9 -
Poor elders living in non-CSSA households by social security coverage and hou...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告圖2.27 -
Poor elders residing in non-CSSA households by housing type and whether ownin...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖2.28 -
Selected socio-economic characteristics of working poor with PSEA and overall...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告表3.4 -
Selected characteristics of non-CSSA working poor households meeting the inco...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;香港貧窮情況報告圖3.18 -
Selected characteristics of “income-poor, owning property of certain value” e...
滾動至網頁內「所有期號」部份;2018香港貧窮情況報告圖2.29 -
Effectiveness of selected recurrent cash benefits in poverty alleviation, 201...