The District Study for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok of the Urban Renewal Authority
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Paper on the District Study for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok conducted by the Urba...
立法會 CB(2)267/19-20(02)號文件 -
The District Study for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok of the Urban Renewal Authorit...
立法會CB(2)267/19-20(01)號文件 立法會CB(2)298/19-20(01)號文件 -
Details of URA's plans for converting rehousing flats
立法會十三題︰市區重建局安置單位的統計數字及編配 附表二 表三 -
Assessment of the statutory compensations of resumed properties and resolutio...
2015年3月24日 ; 立法會發展事務委員會 ; CB(1)650/14-15(08) -
Assessment of the value of resumed properties
立法會秘書處資料研究組 : 資料摘要 (IN03/14‐15) -
Information of Various Types of Units in the URA’s Rehousing Blocks
立法會十七題:市區重建局工作的統計數字 附件二 -
Home Purchase Allowance and Ex gratia Allowance for Owners and Legal Occupier...
財務委員會討論文件 2001 年 3 月 9 日 基本工程儲備基金 總目 701-土地徵用 自置居所津貼及發放予商用物業業主和合法佔用人的特惠津貼 -
Review of Land Resumption Administrative Arrangements and Ex-gratia Allowance...
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Numbers of tenants who were allocated rehousing flats by URA
立法會十三題︰市區重建局安置單位的統計數字及編配 附表二 表一 二○一五/一六年財政年度至二○一七年十月 -
Administration's paper on work of the Urban Renewal Authority
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Numbers of tenants who were allocated rehousing flats by URA from 2015-2016fi...
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The geographical distribution of private residential/composite buildings aged...
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Evicted tenants in the redevelopment projects of the URA
(i)申請援助計劃的租戶數目; (ii)獲得安置的租戶數目; (iii)獲得特惠金補償的租戶數目;及 (iv)不符合援助計劃的申請資格,但獲發搬遷補助金的租戶數目 -
Land Resumption Approved for URA Projects in the Past Ten Financial Years bef...
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Numbers of households offered rehousing or compensation by URA
按安置/賠償安排,即(v)獲安置於房委會提供的公屋單位、(vi)獲安置於香港房屋協會提供的公屋單位、(vii)獲安置於市建局提供的單位、(viii)獲提供基本特惠金及額外現金補償、(ix)因不合基本特惠金資格,而獲提供相等於政府特惠津貼的特惠金,以及(x)於凍結人口日後遷入,獲提供相等於地政總署於收地時所提供的特惠津貼兩倍的特惠金補償列出分項數字 -
Numbers of various categories of households at the time of the Freezing Surve...
按住戶類別,即(i)自住業主、(ii)住宅租戶、(iii)天台構築物佔用人,以及(iv)其他類別的佔用人列出分項數字 -
Details of land resumption for URA redevelopment projects by Lands Department...
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