Number of persons waitlisted and the average waiting time for integrated home...
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Geographical distribution of subsidised residential care places/service places
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Details of accredited MDS-HC assessors
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Number of MDS-HC assessment completed
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Distribution of Community Care Service Voucher holders by co-payment level
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The total number of elderly persons treated as "inactive" cases in subsidised...
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Number of service places under infirmary units
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Number of persons who had refused care and attention places and nursing home ...
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The numberof elderly persons admitted to infirmary units with a breakdown by ...
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Subsidised places offered by various types of residential care homes for the ...
This dataset has no description
The total annual expenditure and the average monthly cost of handling each ca...
This dataset has no description
Number of elderly persons having passed away while being waitlisted for subsi...
This dataset has no description
Number of places for emergency placement by district and the service utilisation
This dataset has no description
Average waiting time for various types of subsidised residential care homes f...
This dataset has no description
Number of non-subsidised residential care places for the elderly in the 18 di...
This dataset has no description
Thenumber of surprise inspections conducted on private RCHEs participating in...
This dataset has no description
Regarding IHCS(FC) involving elderly persons and persons with disabilities, t...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1635 答覆編號:LWB(WW)169 (P. 600) -
The number of cases of elder abuse by distribution of age of elderly victims
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The progress of the Improvement Programme of Elderly Centres (IPEC)
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The relationship between the abuser and the elderly victim
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