Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey
Demographia (只提供英文版) ; 2005 年第一版為 HTML,其餘為 PDF -
Stamp duty rates
經絡按揭轉介 -
MIP table
經絡按揭轉介 -
New buildings for which plans have been approved
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
New buildings for which consent to commence works has been given
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition consent
屋宇署資料月報 表5.2 已獲建築事務監督發出拆卸工程同意書的樓宇 -
Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition orders
屋宇署資料月報所刊載的統計資料。 -
Centraline Property City Index
中原城市指數是一個每月發佈的指數。它是基於政府土地註冊處登記的住宅樓宇交易紀錄編制,用以描述地產市場的價格變動 ; 「中原城市指數的基期」為一九九七年七月,基期指數定為100 ; 成份屋苑的選取準則:有較高的成交總值;有較大的成交宗數;至少已在十二個月前入伙;在所屬地區具有代表性 -
Centraline Property City Leading Index
[在網頁向下滑至中間位置] ; 中原城市領先指數是一個每周發佈的指數。它是基於在中原地產代理有限公司的合約成交價編制,用於反映最新的地產市場價格變動 ; 「中原城市領先指數的基期」為一九九七年七月的第一週 -
Land supply in Hong Kong
This dataset has no description
Sale of government land by transaction type
立法會IN20/05-06香港的土地供應_表2 -
Approved Contract Amendment / Number of Land Exchange Applications
立法會IN20/05-06香港的土地供應_表3 -
Land Use Classification in Hong Kong (as at 31 March 1996)
This dataset has no description
Number of private residential units built on land approved in various modes f...
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_表8 -
Comparative Analysis of Land Supply and Land Granted for Housing Development ...
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_圖4 -
Number of lease amendments/land exchanges completed and to be completed in 19...
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_表5 -
Supply of new residential land from 1996/97 to 2004/05
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_表14 -
Number of lots of land by transaction type from 1985/86 to 1996/97
立法會RP08/96-97香港的土地供應_表6 -
Amount of land value by source of income from 1985/86 to 1996/97