Details on private housing land supplied
審核二零一九至二零年度開支預算 問題編號:S0111 答覆編號:S-DEVB(PL)09 (P. 27) -
Statistics on Subsidised Sale Flats with Premium Unpaid under the Hong Kong H...
This dataset has no description
Construction costs of subsidised housing flats
以每平方呎建築樓面面積計算 以每個單位計算 -
Transitional Housing Funding Scheme Projects
This dataset has no description
Statistics on Applications under the Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Devel...
This dataset has no description
Private unit price and rent (second-hand market)
立法會ISSH19/16-17私人房屋_圖3 -
No. of Checking of Quota and Points System
立法會CB(1)898/17-18(04)號文件 申報符合或經查核符合資格的申請數目 被取消的申請數目 轉為一般申請的申請數目 -
No. of well-off tenants households
立法會ISSH09/16-17公共房屋_圖5 -
Number and Reasons of Approved Cases for Deletion of Family Members in HA’s PRH
立法會十題:經修訂的富戶政策的推行情況 附件一 -
Alternative Methodologies for Setting the Waiting List Asset Limits
立法會CB(1)1060/05-06(05)號文件附件C 房委會SHC 17/2006號文件附件C -
Introduction of a Comprehensive Means Test on Public Rental Housing Applicants
立法會房屋事務委員會 1998年9月16日特別會議 立法會CB(1)204/98-99(01)號文件 -
The number of "well-off tenants" who moved out from their PRH flats
立法會十七題:合理分配公屋資源 附件二 -
Number and Percentage of AEM Households in HA’s PRH
立法會十題:經修訂的富戶政策的推行情況 附件二 -
Outstanding Mortgage Debt Service Ratio (OMDSR)
立法會二十一題:與房屋相關的數據 附表一 -
Number of ASPs of residential building units in primary sales
立法會二十一題:與房屋相關的數據 附表二 -
The number of residential property transactions involving transfer between cl...
立法會二十一題:與房屋相關的數據 附表三