Details of URA's plans for converting rehousing flats
立法會十三題︰市區重建局安置單位的統計數字及編配 附表二 表三 -
Guidelines on Submission of Objections to Projects to be Implemented by Way o...
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Facilitating Service for Dissolution of Civil Servants’Co-operative Building ...
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The Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund Guidelines and Application Procedures
市區重建局市區重建項目救援基金(「救援基金」),旨在為市建局已公布的重建項目或發展項目範圍內的私人住宅或綜合用途樓宇的「公用部分」,因火災、水災、山泥傾瀉、颱風、其他天然災害或不幸事故(「意外事故」)導致損毀而須進行的緊急維修工程,向受影響的人士提供經濟支援以解燃眉之急。 -
Urban Renewal Authority Flat-for-Flat (Pilot Scheme) Pamphlet
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Guidelines and Application Procedures for the Urban Renewal Project Rescue Fund
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Principles Adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) for the Acquisition o...
只適用於工業樓宇重建項目(先導計劃) IB-2:SSP – 汝州西街 -
Assessment of the statutory compensations of resumed properties and resolutio...
2015年3月24日 ; 立法會發展事務委員會 ; CB(1)650/14-15(08) -
Assessment of the value of resumed properties
立法會秘書處資料研究組 : 資料摘要 (IN03/14‐15) -
Land Development Corporation Annual Report
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Information of Completed URA Redevelopment Projects
資料包括項目編號、項目所在地區、項目名稱、項目地盤面積、受影響樓宇數目、項目發展資料(發展名稱、住宅單位數目、總樓面面積、休憩用地) -
Information of Various Types of Units in the URA’s Rehousing Blocks
立法會十七題:市區重建局工作的統計數字 附件二 -
Home Purchase Allowance and Ex gratia Allowance for Owners and Legal Occupier...
財務委員會討論文件 2001 年 3 月 9 日 基本工程儲備基金 總目 701-土地徵用 自置居所津貼及發放予商用物業業主和合法佔用人的特惠津貼 -
Review of Land Resumption Administrative Arrangements and Ex-gratia Allowance...
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Numbers of tenants who were allocated rehousing flats by URA
立法會十三題︰市區重建局安置單位的統計數字及編配 附表二 表一 二○一五/一六年財政年度至二○一七年十月 -
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Numbers of tenants who were allocated rehousing flats by URA from 2015-2016fi...
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The geographical distribution of private residential/composite buildings aged...
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Evicted tenants in the redevelopment projects of the URA
(i)申請援助計劃的租戶數目; (ii)獲得安置的租戶數目; (iii)獲得特惠金補償的租戶數目;及 (iv)不符合援助計劃的申請資格,但獲發搬遷補助金的租戶數目 -
Land Resumption Approved for URA Projects in the Past Ten Financial Years bef...
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