Principles Adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority in Property Acquisition (on...
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Urban Renewal Authority Shing Tak Street / Ma Tau Chung Road Redevelopment Pr...
This dataset has no description
Facilitating Services Scheme for Buildings Developed under Civil Servants' Co...
This dataset has no description
Facilitating Services Scheme for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Building...
This dataset has no description
Urban Renewal Strategy Study
1999 年 10 月 -
Executive Summary of Study on Learning Needs and Preferences of Members of Mu...
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Provision of Residential Care Places
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Requirements on Space Standard and Staffing for Enhanced Bought Place Scheme
This dataset has no description
Elderly Services Programme Plan
This dataset has no description
Examples of Initiatives on Healthy Ageing
「康健樂頤年」報告附件 D -
Elderly Commission's Feasibility Study on Introducing a Voucher Scheme on Res...
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Report on Healthy Ageing
This dataset has no description
Executive Summary of A Multi-Disciplinary Study on the Causes of Elderly Suic...
This dataset has no description
Study on Overseas Experience in Providing Continuing Education for Older Persons
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Overseas' Experience in Developing Reverse Mortgage for Retirement Protection
This dataset has no description
Report of the Elderly Commission (1997-1999)
This dataset has no description
Executive Summary of "Assessment on the Demand of the Elderly for Housing and...
安老事務委員會工作報告(一九九七至九九年度)附錄三 -
Report of the Working Group on Dementia
安老事務委員會工作報告(一九九七至九九年度)附錄五 -
Report of the Working Group on Elderly Suicide
安老事務委員會工作報告(一九九七至九九年度)附錄六 -
Executive Summary of Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Home Care
安老事務委員會工作報告(一九九七至九九年度)附錄四 -
Floor Area Requirements for Elderly Facilities
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表3 -
Elderly Facilities - Summary of Standards
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表4 -
List of Support Teams for the Elderly
長者支援服務隊的地址及電話在此下載。 -
List of District Elderly Community Centre
長者地區中心的地址及電話在此下載。 -
Estimation of the decrease in the number of places in residential care homes ...
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第三次會議文件P.3 -
Estimation of the decrease in the number of places in residential care homes ...
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第十一次會議文件P.3 -
Current Manpower requirement in Residential Care Homes of elderly and disabled
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第八次會議文件附件1 -
Proposed manpower requirement (number and types of staff) in Residential Care...
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第八次會議文件附件2 -
Number of places and prices in Private Residential Care Homes under the Enhan...
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第十一次會議文件P.6 -
Elderly Commission's Study on Residential Care Services - Final Report
表 2.1 院舍入住率與院舍照顧宿位與長者人口的比例 表 2.2 香港不同種類安老院舍的宿位數目 表 2.3 輪候資助護理安老/護養院宿位的時間 表 2.4 正接受各類住宿照顧服務或在中央輪候名冊的綜援受助人士 表 2.5 社區照顧服務的統計數字 -
Area per person in Homes for the Aged, according to percentile
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第三次會議文件P.2 -
Number of places and occupied percentage of Private Residential Care Homes
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第十次會議文件 (附件 P.3) -
Number of persons waitlisted and the average waiting time for integrated home...
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Geographical distribution of subsidised residential care places/service places
This dataset has no description
Details of accredited MDS-HC assessors
This dataset has no description
Number of MDS-HC assessment completed
This dataset has no description
Distribution of Community Care Service Voucher holders by co-payment level
This dataset has no description
The total number of elderly persons treated as "inactive" cases in subsidised...
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Number of service places under infirmary units
This dataset has no description
Number of persons who had refused care and attention places and nursing home ...
This dataset has no description
The numberof elderly persons admitted to infirmary units with a breakdown by ...
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