Other Housing Statistics

- Number/Stock of Permanent Quarters by Type

  and Area


Number/Stock of Permanent Quarters by Type and Area,
[1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1998] [1999] [2000] [2001]
[2002] [2003] [2004]

Type of Permanent quarters Hong Kong Island Kowloon and
New Kowloon
New Territories Total
Housing Authority rental blocks
Group A 55300 193000 311700 560000
Group B 10600 56500 24600 91700
Housing Society rental blocks 11200 12700 9200 33100
Housing Authority home ownership scheme Blocks (1) 18600 40700 123100 182400
Private residential blocks
Self-contained 291200 290500 220300 802000
Non self-contained 100 400 100 600
Villas/bungalows/modern village houses 2800 1000 72400 76200
Simple stone structures 1800 2900 49100 53800
Institutions 6100 4600 7000 17700
Other permanent housing 29300 29700 23600 82600
Total 427000 632000 841100 1900100

Figures are as 31 March of the year.

(1)Including private sector participation scheme and middle income housing.

Hong Kong Government Census and Statistics Department (1995), Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics, 1995 Edition. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government Printer, p.181.