Subdivided Units - Median Rents by Area And District
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Median household rents by house category (2011)
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位_表3 -
Family household rent and income ratio by house category (2011)
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位_表4 -
Number of households with poor living conditions by house type (2011)
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位表1 -
Median monthly household income per capita by household category and househol...
立法會IN22/12-13香港的分間單位表2 -
Sub-units in Hong Kong
立法會IN22/12-13 -
Boudoir rent index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Boudoir rent (power) index
香港中文大學「劏房租金指數及住屋環境研究」 -
Statistics on subdivided units by region and District Council district, 2021
HB027 附件一:按區議會分區劃分的分間樓宇單位數目及居住在分間樓宇單位的家庭住戶數目 注意本資料與中期人口普查「表7.1 --- 2016 年及 2021 年按地區及區議會分區劃分的『有分間樓宇單位的屋宇單位』及分間樓宇單位數目」意思並不相同 HB027 附件二:按區議會分區劃分的分間樓宇單位面積中位數 HB027... -
Quarters with subdivided units and subdivided units by region and District Co...
人口普查 主題性報告 : 居於分間樓宇單位人士 表7.1 -
Hong Kong 2016 Population By-census - Thematic Report : Persons Living in Sub...
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Report of the Task Force for the Study on Tenancy Control of Subdivided Units
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Housing conditions of sub-divided units in Hong Kong
主題性住戶統計調查第 57, 60 號報告書 (香港分間樓宇單位的住屋狀況) -
The number of persons rendered homeless as a result of clearance operations o...
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The number of persons rehoused to Po Tin Interim Housing (IH) and Shek Lei IH...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:3039 答覆編號:THB(H)046 (P. 107)