Floor Area Requirements for Elderly Facilities
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表3 -
Elderly Facilities - Summary of Standards
《香港規劃標準與準則》第三章表4 -
Elderly Commission's Study on Residential Care Services - Final Report
表 2.1 院舍入住率與院舍照顧宿位與長者人口的比例 表 2.2 香港不同種類安老院舍的宿位數目 表 2.3 輪候資助護理安老/護養院宿位的時間 表 2.4 正接受各類住宿照顧服務或在中央輪候名冊的綜援受助人士 表 2.5 社區照顧服務的統計數字 -
Number of persons waitlisted and the average waiting time for integrated home...
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The total annual expenditure and the average monthly cost of handling each ca...
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Regarding IHCS(FC) involving elderly persons and persons with disabilities, t...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1635 答覆編號:LWB(WW)169 (P. 600) -
Number of integrated home care services (ordinary cases) users throughout the...
審核2018-19年度 開支預算 問題編號:2343 答覆編號:LWB(WW)179 (P. 428) 審核2019-20年度 開支預算 問題編號:3023 答覆編號:LWB(WW)0056 (P. 119) 審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:3184 答覆編號:LWB(WW)039 (P. 178) -
Number of integrated home care services (frail cases) users throughout the year
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The total annual expenditure and the average monthly cost for handling each c...
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綜合家居照顧服務 (普通個案)送飯服務的人數
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1659 答覆編號:LWB(WW)194 (P. 679) -
List of Integrated Home Care Services Teams Share
機構名稱、服務單位名稱、地區、地址、電話、傳真及電郵地址 -
綜合家居照顧服務(體弱個案)/改善家居及社區照顧服務 長者日間護理中心/單位 因使用長者社區照顧服務券而被列為「非活躍」個案的長者人數 -
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description