Numbers of households offered rehousing or compensation by URA
按安置/賠償安排,即(v)獲安置於房委會提供的公屋單位、(vi)獲安置於香港房屋協會提供的公屋單位、(vii)獲安置於市建局提供的單位、(viii)獲提供基本特惠金及額外現金補償、(ix)因不合基本特惠金資格,而獲提供相等於政府特惠津貼的特惠金,以及(x)於凍結人口日後遷入,獲提供相等於地政總署於收地時所提供的特惠津貼兩倍的特惠金補償列出分項數字 -
Numbers of various categories of households at the time of the Freezing Surve...
按住戶類別,即(i)自住業主、(ii)住宅租戶、(iii)天台構築物佔用人,以及(iv)其他類別的佔用人列出分項數字 -
Details of land resumption for URA redevelopment projects by Lands Department...
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Private Housing Sites of Projects of the Urban Renewal Authority Successfully...
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Total number of residential buildings (4 storeys or above) aged 30 years or a...
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Housing / Location and Profile of Housing Society’s Developments – Urban Rene...
市區重建項目資料包括項目名稱、地址、佔地面積、落成年份、座數、單位總數、單位面積及屋邨設施,資料以機讀格式(JSON)提供。 -
Aggregate numbers of PRH flats reserved by HA
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URA Project Highlights
附件B 附錄 I -
Numbers of PRH flats actually used by URA
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Amount of money paid by URA to HA for rehousing of households
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Amount of reservation fees paid by URA to HA
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Details of URA's redevelopment projects to be completed between 2019 and 2023
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Assessment of Home Purchase Allowance Rates for Urban Renewal Authority Projects
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Redevelopment Projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (demolition works yet t...
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Number of staff of the urban renewal social service teams that year
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Urban Renewal Trust Fund Audited Financial Statements
市區更新基金為市區更新信託基金的信託人和財產授予人。 -
Provision of PRH flats to clearees of the URA projects
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Ageing analysis of PRH flats reserved by the URA
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Supplementary information paper on the preliminary agreement between the Gove...
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The numbers of PRH allocations in relation to PRH applications and URA's rede...
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