Property Acquisition by the Land Development Corporation and Land Resumption ...
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Rehousing Arrangements for Tenants Affected by the Resumption of Land for Urb...
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A Comparison of the Land Development Corporation Ordinance (Cap. 15) and the ...
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Reservation of Public Rental Housing (PRH) Units by the Urban Renewal Authori...
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Gross Floor Area (GFA) has been reserved for social welfare facilities in the...
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Kim Shin Lane/ Fuk Wa Street Development Project (SSP-017)
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Cheung Wah Street / Cheung Sha Wan Road Development Scheme (SSP-018)
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The Urban Renewal Authority's expenditure by programme area from 2008-09 to 2...
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Numbers of flats by URA rehousing block and flat type as categorised by use a...
立法會十三題︰市區重建局安置單位的統計數字及編配 附表二 表二