Elderly Commission's Study on Residential Care Services - Final Report
表 2.1 院舍入住率與院舍照顧宿位與長者人口的比例 表 2.2 香港不同種類安老院舍的宿位數目 表 2.3 輪候資助護理安老/護養院宿位的時間 表 2.4 正接受各類住宿照顧服務或在中央輪候名冊的綜援受助人士 表 2.5 社區照顧服務的統計數字 -
Occupied percentage of Residential Care Homes in 2018
檢視院舍法例及實務守則工作小組報告 p.34 -
Area per person in Homes for the Aged, according to percentile
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第三次會議文件P.2 -
Number of places and occupied percentage of Private Residential Care Homes
檢視院舍實務守則及法例工作小組第十次會議文件 (附件 P.3) -
檢視院舍法例及實務守則工作小組報告 p.17 -
179 dissolved CBSs yet to be redeveloped (as at 31 December 2019)
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:1792 答覆編號:DEVB(PL)017 附件一 (P. 32) -
Number of persons waitlisted and the average waiting time for integrated home...
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Geographical distribution of subsidised residential care places/service places
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Details of accredited MDS-HC assessors
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Number of MDS-HC assessment completed
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Distribution of Community Care Service Voucher holders by co-payment level
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The total number of elderly persons treated as "inactive" cases in subsidised...
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Number of service places under infirmary units
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Number of persons who had refused care and attention places and nursing home ...
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The numberof elderly persons admitted to infirmary units with a breakdown by ...
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Subsidised places offered by various types of residential care homes for the ...
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The total annual expenditure and the average monthly cost of handling each ca...
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Number of elderly persons having passed away while being waitlisted for subsi...
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Number of places for emergency placement by district and the service utilisation
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Average waiting time for various types of subsidised residential care homes f...
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