Older persons by sex, marital status and age group, 2006, 2011 and 2016
香港2016年中期人口統計 - 主題性報告:長者--表4.1 -
Provision of subsidised residential care places for the elderly and persons w...
立法會CB(2)548/12-13(01)號文件 -
Review of Standardised Care Needs Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services
立法會 CB(2)2077/13-14(03)號文件 -
Support for carers of elderly persons and of persons with disabilities - Supp...
立法會CB(2)1878/18-19(01)號文件 -
Paper on residential care services for the elderly prepared by the Legislativ...
立法會CB(2)1105/15-16(02)號文件 -
Strengthening the Monitoring of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly and Re...
立法會CB(2)1173/18-19(05)號文件 -
Inspection and Licensing System for Monitoring Residential Care Homes for the...
立法會CB(2)1595/14-15(07)號文件 -
Paper on support for persons suffering from dementia and their carers prepare...
立法會CB(2)1066/16-17(02)號文件 -
The number of persons waitlisted for day care centres/units for the elderly (...
審核2020-21年度 開支預算 問題編號:6222 答覆編號:LWB(WW)696 (P. 2014) -
"Good Neighbours" Service Strategy - Community Support for Elders in Taiwan
This dataset has no description
Socio-demographic profile, health status and self-care capability of older pe...
This dataset has no description
Paper on Elderly Services Programme Plan prepared by the Legislative Council ...
立法會CB(2)381/14-15(09)號文件 -
Issues relating to Service Quality and Monitoring of Private Residential Care...
立法會CB(2)1906/14-15(02)號文件 -
"Unaffordable living conditions (deficiency)" for elderly
香港匱乏及社會排斥研究第3.2節資料三 -
Proportion of married and widowed older persons by sex, 2006, 2011 and 2016
香港2016年中期人口統計 - 主題性報告:長者--圖4.1 -