Final Report on Consultancy Study on Financial Implications on Mandatory Prov...
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Retirement Protection Forging Ahead Consultation Document
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Report on Public Engagement Exercise on Retirement Protection
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Default pension arrangements in the United Kingdom and Australia
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Comparisons of the Proposed Mandatory Provident Fund System in Hong Kong with...
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The Hong Kong and Australian Pension Systems: An Overview
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The Hong Kong and Australian Pension Systems: Trustee, Investment Manager and...
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The Hong Kong and Australian Pension Systems: The Role of the Government
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Key Statistics on the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme
只提供最近4年資料於同一個 PDF ; 例如:2017 - 2020 -
Hong Kong 1991 Population Census - Main Report
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1996 Population By-census - Main Report
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Population By-census Thematic Report : Older Persons
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Thematic Household Survey Report No. 40 (Socio-demographic Profile, Health St...
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A Profile of Elderly Persons Aged 60 and Over Living Alone
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Hong Kong 2001 Population Census - Thematic Report - Older Persons
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Hong Kong 2011 Population Census Thematic Report : Older Persons
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Elderly employment
立法會秘書處資料研究組 : 數據透視 (ISSH05/16-17) -
Elderly Health Service
立法會秘書處資料研究組 : 數據透視 (ISSH21/17-18) -
Socio-demographic, Health and Economic Profiles of Elderly People and Soon-to...
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 : 專題報告書 - 第二十七號報告書 ; 臨時僱員就業情況 ; 部分時間制工作 ; 長者及中年人的生活、健康及經濟狀況 -
Health Status and Long-Term Care Needs of the Older Persons
香港統計月刊 2005 年 12 月專題報告